Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Learning Curve

As we began to explore the neighborhood around our apartment, we are experiencing a sharp learning curve in Thai language and culture. Thankfully, they are very gracious people and everyone seems to be tickled pink at our efforts to communicate. We bought some of these oranges ("som" in Thai) at the local market.

This is a house shrine at the neighbor's place. They seem to be big fans of their ancestors. Even left them a glass of water. These little shrines are ALL OVER the place.

This is really interesting to us. They really have no separation between business and religion. This is Nissan's shrine area in the parking lot.

Moving Day

Our street was a bit flooded the day we moved in. :) They said it only happens about 5 to 10 times a year and goes away in about 6 hours. We just got lucky on moving day, I guess.

We are on the 10th floor of an apartment called Kornkarn. It's a great set up with AC, 2 bedrooms (in case you come visit!), and a cute balcony with this great view of a small part of Bangkok.

Monday, April 27, 2009

Happy Trails!

Well, we're finally off! After so much preparation and planning we are finally on our way to Thailand! We spent 4 very sleepy hours at the Vancouver airport where Haylie tried her hardest to get some homework done and Stu "helped" ...but really just got some shut eye. :)

We took some pictures at this little creek. No, Stu didn't let Haylie take that much money out of the pool.

So far the housing in Asia looks a little bit smaller than what we were hoping for.

YEAHA! A train in the sky to terminal 2!